Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valens... whatever Part 2: Be Careful What You Wish For

Remember how I was complaining earlier today about not having anyone to take cute little Valentine's to school? (If not, then read the post below this first.) Well ya, guess what? 3:30 Louisa gets home from school and says, "I need to bring Valentine's tomorrow".
Oh Great!
We go for our usual Wednesday walk around the golf course with the playgroup, which was really just me and one other friend, and then head to WallyMart. (aka, the suck-me-out-of-all-my-money-why-do-I-have-20-more-items-in-my-cart-than-what-I-came-in-here-for store)
Do you know what WalMart is like on February 13th? It was crazier than the day after Thanksgiving sale! Big, hulking soldiers carrying around giant $50 teddy bears to take home to Miss Right. Moms fighting and scrambling for the last of the packs of Valentine cards because, like us, they didn't know until today that their child's class was exchanging. And husbands weeding through the measley selection of carnations hoping to find some nice enough to please Mrs. Can't Do Anything Right So Why Even Bother (ever heard of an actual flower shop? they sell "pretty flowers")
So after staying up till nearly 10:00 getting homework and Valentine cards ready (when you have a 2 year old who must "help" with everything, everything takes twice as long!) I'm ready to curl up with a book and prepare to spend yet another holiday... alone.

Okay, okay... so I'm having lunch with friends. Geesh! It's still kinda alone. "Intimate affection-less". How does that sound?


Anonymous said...

Peggie, I love you. Enjoy your Vday. I'm sure your husband is missing you too. I loved your descript of Walmart though.

scrapperjen said...

I hope you had a nice V-Day! I thought of you (as always) and hope you are doing well!