Monday, July 31, 2006


I am telling ya right now, I have no idea who put the book on the cat. I mean, I'm standing here minding my own business when Mom comes out laughing asking me if I put the book on the cat. Look at this face, does it look like I would do such a thing?

Ok, ya... it was me!!! hehehe Doesn't he look silly with a book on top of him? The things I do when Mommy isn't around...


Sandy said...

Isn't it fun when they walk. ;)

Poor cat. I think when my first started to roam free is about the same time our dog had taken to sleeping in remote places. Poor dog.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's funnier-the kid or the commentary.

Anonymous said...

He is getting so big! Very cute... the blog and your son! :)

Chaos Mommy said...

Thanks! I like this layout much better, too.
I decided Hunter is starting to lose his baby face and look like a little boy now. Even in the store today someone said, Look at that little boy, instead of, Look at that baby. {{{sigh}}} He's growing up!