Sunday, June 25, 2006

Strawberry Festival, Cedarburg, WI

When you think STRAWBERRY Festival, don't you think that there are strawberry food related items everywhere you look? Like strawberry shakes, strawberry shortcake, strawberry jam, strawberry wine... shouldn't it just be everywhere? I assumed we would be so full of strawberries by the end of today that we wouldn't want to look at another one. Nope! All we had was one pint of strawberries that my dad bought for everyone to share.
I overheard a little boy who was on his dad's shoulders say, "Dad, where are all the strawberries?" The dad said, "I don't know, Bud, I'm beginning to think Mommy lied to us." I laughed so hard! That's exactly what I thought! At least I wasn't the only one who noticed that the guest of honor was, well... sparce.

This is what Hunter thought of the strawberries! Funny that he kept eating them when I gave them to him, but he kept making this face. He certainly wasn't enjoying the strawberries, so why did he keep eating them?

Here's what Drew and Louisa got to do. They filled bottles with colored sand and both of them made masterpieces of sand art. Drew gleefully exclaimed, "This is my dream come true, Mom!" So his dream is to pour many colors of sand into a bottle. I'm glad that we could fulfill it today! Many people go their whole lives never living out their dreams. Drew only had to wait until he was 5! Louisa, the perfectionist, took her sweet time filling her bottle. It was worth it, though!
We ended the day by going back to my parents house and the kids picked strawberries in Grandpa's berry patch. That satisfied their hunger for the sweet red treat and was the perfect end to a very nice day!

Oh, and I can't forget the best part, Louisa got to meet Hello Kitty!!!


scrapperjen said...

Well, I'm glad some of you were happy!
Cute kiddos - love the pictures!

Chaos Mommy said...

Thanks, Jen!